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If you have already completed a hypnobirthing course and have had a change of circumstances (now require a c-section for the safe arrival of your baby) – then this course is made especially for you!

This adapted course provides you with some additional resources and training so that you can build on the knowledge, tools, support and a positive mindset that you already have in preparation for a calm and positive cesarean birth.

Contrary to what some people believe; you do have options, and your choices can have a huge effect on your state of mind as you birth, the atmosphere of the room, mother’s comfort and your baby’s introduction to the world. Birth can, and should be an experience that you will always want to remember!

* Please refer the Product Description below for further details regarding course inclusions.

Hypnobubs® Change of Circumstances Online Course

SKU: 364115376135191


    • 9 x comprehensive video lessons:
      • Module: Introduction. How to use your new tracks and utilize the tools and preparation you have already acquired through prior training for a very positive cesarean birth.
      • Module: Knowledge is Power (birthing preferences and current research)
      • Module: Support Crew (the importance of having open communication with our caregivers and the role of our birth partner)
      • Module: Releasing Fears (your opportunity to release any fears and reservations that could potentially hold you back from having the positive birth that you desire
      • Module: Preparation – the Key to Success! (we will bring all of our learnings together and set out a practice routine so that you are well prepared for this birth)
    • the eBook hypnobubs™ The Positive Cesarean Birth
    • 5 x long-play mp3 practice tracks for pregnancy and birth
    • practical exercises and a birth rehearsal (so you can practice the techniques together)
    • downloadable course materials
    • worksheets
    • online support

    We do also have a full ‘Positive Cesarean Birth Course‘ available for parents who haven’t previously attended a hypnobirthing course and wish to acquire the full knowledge, tools, support, mindset and a method of preparation for a ‘positive’ caesarean birth. However, if you’ve already completed one of our full courses – then this Change of Circumstances Online Course is designed especially for you!

    Our power is actually in the present… not the past. So this course is about enjoying the miracle that we are part of, the present… and preparing well for the future.

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